Press releases and statements

The latest statements and media releases from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are listed below including those from the Catholic Schools Office, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and the Catholic Community Fund.

Please direct any media enquiries or requests for interviews to the Communications Team via email: 

20Mar 2013

Bishop Bill Wright invites the community to the annual Ecumenical Way of the Cross

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Bill Wright, is inviting individuals and families from across the Hunter to join him this Sunday from 3pm as he leads the annual Ecumenical Way of…


14Mar 2013

Bishop Bill Wright welcomes the election of Pope Francis I

As Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, I welcome the news that the church has a new Pope. Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been announced as Pope Francis. In the coming d…


11Mar 2013

Catholic Schools Week 2013

This week staff and more than 18,000 students from 55 Catholic schools in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will join more than 261,000 students from across NSW and the ACT to celebrate 'Ever…


01Mar 2013

Letter from Bishop Bill Wright regarding the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry

In our Lenten pastoral letter 'Sowing In Tears', the Bishops of NSW committed to "cooperate fully with the Royal Commission, police and other relevant authorities." In the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastl…


20Feb 2013

Local community invited to Lenten prayer gatherings of healing and hope

The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is inviting the local community to gather with Bishop Bill Wright for prayers of healing and hope in one of six locations around the diocese this Lent. The Y…


05Feb 2013

Hunter community invited to the launch of Project Compassion on Shrove Tuesday (1)

School students and representatives from 55 schools in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will join Bishop Bill Wright at St John the Baptist Primary School, Maitland next Tuesday for the laun…


14Dec 2012

Bishop Bill's 2012 Christmas Message

The Pope may be on Twitter, but Bishop Bill Wright of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is this year sharing his thoughts about the Christmas season with the local community via a video message on You…


20Nov 2012

Holy Relic of St Francis coming to the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle

A treasured holy relic of St Francis Xavier, often called the greatest missionary after St Paul, will arrive at Sacred Heart Cathedral Hamilton at 11.30am Friday 23 November before making its way to S…


13Nov 2012

Statement from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

The following is a statement released by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference on Monday 12 November 2012   The President and Permanent Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference,…


12Nov 2012

Statement from Bishop Bill Wright Re: Fr Terry Sylvester

As Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle, I have been asked to comment on matters surrounding a historic complaint of sexual harassment by Fr Terry Sylvester, a deceased priest of this diocese, against another…
