Press releases and statements

The latest statements and media releases from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are listed below including those from the Catholic Schools Office, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and the Catholic Community Fund.

Please direct any media enquiries or requests for interviews to the Communications Team via email: 

09Nov 2012

Statement from Bishop Bill Wright Re: Allegations made by Peter Fox in the Newcastle Herald

Last Thursday, November 8, 2012, The Newcastle Herald published an article entitled "Top cop attacks church - Detective's letter alleges sex abuse cover-up". The Herald also printed an open letter to…


18Oct 2012

British Child Migrant 60th Reunion

This Sunday 21 October, almost half of the 31 child migrants who arrived at Mayfield's Murray Dwyer Orphanage in 1952, will unite for their 60th reunion at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton for Mass be…


13Sep 2012

Invitation to attend a public meeting

"The Honourable David Shoebridge, MLC issued an invitation for Bishop Wright or a representative of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, to attend and speak at a public meeting scheduled for Sunday 16 S…


05Sep 2012

National Child Protection Week

Hundreds of white balloons will be displayed across 55 Catholic schools, Sacred Heart Cathedral and the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle's head office this Thursday, to raise awareness of National Child…


14Aug 2012

New 570 seat theatre opens to showcase ASPIRE

The show must go on! From devastating fire to 'Factory' fireworks - St Pius X High School, Adamstown opens 570 seat theatre to showcase the inaugural ASPIRE performance. A 570 seat theatre, believed…


06Aug 2012

Launch of a new cyber-safety website

A brand new cyber safety website for parents and their children is being launched by the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle's Catholic Schools Office (CSO) this week, to ensure parents are well informed wh…


26Jul 2012

A response to calls for a Royal Commission

"There have been growing calls for a Royal Commission into the church's handling of sexual assault matters. I am broadly supportive of public inquiries into these matters. The Wood Royal Commission i…


11Jul 2012

Foster Care services to increase in the Hunter

The Hunter's largest foster care agency, CatholicCare Hunter-Manning, has today been selected to deliver additional Out-of-Home-Care (OOHC) services as part of the NSW Government's plan to transfer al…


04Apr 2012

Bishop Bill's 2012 Easter Message

"One very striking thing about Easter, as it is written about in the Christian gospels, is that nobody expected it. Later on the disciples remembered or convinced themselves that Jesus had spoken of r…


30Mar 2012

Ecumenical Way of the Cross at Kilaben Bay

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Bill Wright, is inviting individuals and families from across the Hunter to join him this Sunday from 3pm as he leads the annual Ecumenical Way of…
