Press releases and statements

The latest statements and media releases from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are listed below including those from the Catholic Schools Office, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and the Catholic Community Fund.

Please direct any media enquiries or requests for interviews to the Communications Team via email: 

12Sep 2013

Foster Care Week 2013 - CatholicCare honours their foster carers

Newcastle and Hunter foster care agency, CatholicCare Hunter-Manning, will this Friday celebrate Foster Care Week at Merewether Bowling Club from 11am- 2pm to honour their “unsung heroes”, foster and…


03Sep 2013

Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle shows its support of Child Protection Week

For the second year in a row, hundreds of white balloons will be displayed across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle’s 55 Catholic schools, Sacred Heart Cathedral and Cathedral House Newcastle West thi…


27Aug 2013

CatholicCare opening new Charlestown office

This Thursday, CatholicCare Social Services will officially open a brand new disability services office at Charlestown to assist the anticipated 10,000 Hunter people with a disability who will be elig…


22Jul 2013

Catholic students' creativity on display in the ASPIRE production 'Treasured'

ASPIRE, the creative and performing arts audition-based program of the Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, will present Treasured as its 2013 showcase at the Civic Theatre th…


19Jul 2013

Sea Sunday blessing of the newly re-furbished Seafarers Centre at Wickham

On Sunday 21 July at 6.30pm Bishop Bill Wright of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will bless the Port of Newcastle and the newly re-furbished Seafarers Centre at Wickham. The occasion coin…


11Jul 2013

28 Hunter pilgrims depart for World Youth Day in Rio

This Saturday 28 young people from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will depart from Newcastle's Sacred Heart Cathedral to join newly elected Pope Francis and millions of people from around…


12Jun 2013

More than 450 Catholic high school students to perform in DIOSOUNDS music festival

On Thursday 13th June at 6.30pm, more than 450 school students representing eleven Catholic High Schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, will take part in the annual DIOSOUNDS music festival at…


06Jun 2013

Study into the provision of secondary education

In 2013, the Catholic Schools Office will undertake a study into the provision of secondary education in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle to ensure that the diocese is able to meet the future needs o…


20May 2013

Official Opening of CatholicCare and Zimmerman Services' new offices in Mayfield

CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and Zimmerman Services, the child protection and healing and support agency of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, will celebrate the official openi…


15May 2013

Wayne Bennett to address capacity crowd for Tenison Woods Education Centre

Renowned coach of the Newcastle Knights, Wayne Bennett, will address a capacity crowd on Wednesday 15 May at East Maitland's Therry Centre.   Mr Bennett has agreed to be the guest speaker, in the mi…
