Married Life

In marriage a couple shares a relationship that is self-giving, love-giving and life-giving. Husband and wife share their marriage vows, helping each other to live their lives so as to reflect the love of God present in their marriage. They work at their relationship in good moments and bad moments. They live a life of faith so that their relationship with God may grow and develop.

Together they seek to form a home. With the gift of children they are the first teachers in Christian faith and values. They may serve the parish community and share their gifts and talents by contributing to a variety of parish ministries and projects.

Marriage education is a vital, yet often overlooked, part of preparing for your life partnership with your loved one. CatholicCare has a selection of courses for married and soon-to-be married couples that assist you in preparing for, and maintaining, your commitment to each other.


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Rev Anthony Potts

Diocesan Director of Vocations

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