Click on any header for information, flyer and registration link for that upcoming event.

Art & Spirituality Days - UPDATED

Creation of art provides an opportunity for a deepening awareness of oneself and the world and can act as a catalyst for evoking the Spirit. Art is a means to see-to-re-search and find the living meaning of what it means to open the heart. Everyone has the ability to create art, but in order for it to be theological, the artist needs to explore ways that it makes sense of faith. Opening the heart through art involves making meaning through the creation, then reflecting on the art itself and the unfolding the moment-to-moment direct experience of the process.

 This day workshop will provide an opportunity to awaken the Spirit through the beauty of God’s creation, prayer, and reflection. Participants will engage in art making experiences which will nourish their faith.


4 April & 12 September 2025 - FLYER (for both events)

REGISTER HERE for either event

Venue: Kilaben Bay Community Centre

Cost:    $25 per person Morning tea supplied. BYO packed lunch.

Contact:            Rose McAllister |

Short Courses in your community

The Formation and Education office offers a variety of short courses, workshops and reflections. Courses include prayer, Art & Spirituality, New & Old Testament, The Christian Spiritual journey and Discernment of gifts. 

Click here for BROCHURE or contact Rose McAllister on

P: 4979 1346, M: 0414 962 922 E:

Boston College courses

Boston College School of Theology and Ministry have a variety of courses including The Engaged Parish, St Mary of Magdala and Teaching Religion to Adolescents: Creative Strategies and Best Practices.

The courses have been developed to help participants gain a deeper understanding of their faith. 

Click HERE to see more information on these and other courses available through Boston College. 
