Statement from Bishop Bill Wright on proposed national redress scheme for victims of abuse

'Recently the Federal opposition pledged $33 million to fund the operation of a national redress scheme for victims of abuse – one of the key recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.


Under the proposed scheme, financial redress and other assistance to victims, estimated in billions of dollars, would be provided by the institutions in which the abuse occurred. The involvement of the federal government, however, would be to ensure that victims receive fair and equal treatment, regardless of which state jurisdiction they live in or which institution was responsible when the abuse occurred.


As I have previously stated, I strongly support and advocate the Royal Commission's proposal for a national redress scheme, as does the Catholic Church through its Truth, Justice and Healing Council and most victim/survivor groups of which I am aware.


With Federal opposition and NSW State Government support, this is not, and should not be, a party-political issue. It is a great national concern that we get this right, for the sake of all who were abused as children in Australian institutions. I welcome the Turnbull Government's undertaking to consider carefully the Royal Commission's recommendation for a national redress scheme, and I hope this review will be completed as soon as possible.'


  - Bishop Bill Wright, Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle






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