CatholicCare celebrates International Day of People with Disability

Wednesday 3rd December marks the 18th year the Australian Government has supported the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) and this year CatholicCare will be celebrating the day in style with representatives from across the community.


Director of CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning, Helga Smit said it’s an important day for all throughout the community:


“On this day we come together not as service providers and the people we support, but as a collective community who care about and for one another. We recognise and celebrate the ongoing contributions and many achievements those living with a disability provide in our local community and how we can, in turn, give back through support and acknowledgement,”


"As the disability service sector continues to evolve – with people now progressing through the National Disability Insurance Scheme, we’re committed to working with all of the people we support to ensure that journey is as smooth as possible,” Ms Smit said.


The day, which is officially sanctioned by the United Nations aims to break down barriers and promote an inclusive society for all, which the Diocese’s Vice Chancellor of Pastoral Ministries, Teresa Brierley said is strongly in line with the ethos of both CatholicCare and the wider church:


“Inclusivity should not be a rare occurrence in today’s society, but more a basic human right. The Diocese is committed to working with the most vulnerable within our communities and our mission and outreach arm – CatholicCare – demonstrates everyday just how we put that into action.”


“We are excited to mark this occasion with a day of recognition and celebration. Special guest - Paralympic medallist and advocate - Christie Dawes will be speaking, along with performances from local schools, face painting, games and more. This really is a day for everyone,” Ms Brierley said.


The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning will be celebrating International Day of People with Disability on Wednesday 3rd December with a carnival celebration from 12 noon.


Media opportunity

What: CatholicCare International Day of People with Disability carnival celebration

Who: Paralympic medallist and disability advocate Christie Dawes, Director of CatholicCare – Helga Smit, senior diocesan representatives, people supported through disability services and those who care for them and local Catholic schools

When: Wednesday 3rd December 11.30am for a 12 noon start

Where: Village Green, behind CatholicCare – 50 Crebert Street, Mayfield


 To confirm your attendance at the event, please contact Kate Bennett, Communications Manager - Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle on 0419 263 901.




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