Bishop welcomes new Director of Schools

Bishop Bill Wright is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Michael J. Slattery as the new Director of Schools in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese, to commence from the 2017 school year.

Following a competitive recruitment process, Dr Slattery was selected from a group of short-listed candidates by an interview panel that included among others Bishop Bill Wright, a parent representative and a Clergy representative from the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese.

Dr Slattery will join the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Schools Office from St Edward's Christian Brothers College, East Gosford where he has been the Principal for the last six years. Prior to that, Dr Slattery was Assistant Director of Schools in Broken Bay Diocese and Acting Director at various times from 2004 to 2009. He is also currently Editing Lecturer in the Master of Educational Leadership program at the Australian Catholic University.

Bishop Bill Wright says he is eagerly anticipating Dr Slattery's arrival in the diocese in 2017:

"On the retirement of Ray Collins, who has served with such distinction, we have been fortunate indeed to have secured such a fine successor. Michael is an exceptional educator who will bring a wealth of both practical experience and formal qualifications to our Director of Schools role. Holding eight formal qualifications ranging from a Diploma of Teaching and several Masters Degrees through to a Doctor of Education, and with nearly 40 years' experience in the education sector, Dr Slattery is well equipped to take on this most important ministry in our diocese."

"An active member of his local Parish, Michael also brings a deep commitment to our Catholic faith which I know he will want to share with all throughout the Catholic Schools Office and our schools," said Bishop Wright.

Incoming Director of Schools, Dr Michael Slattery says he is looking forward to taking on the opportunities and challenges the role will bring:
"I enjoy working with people and taking up the many challenges that may arise when liaising with diverse groups within a school and Church system. I am committed to acting with transparency, authenticity and integrity in each role I take on and will bring this with me to this new role in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese."

"I know through experience in teaching and planning curriculum for students that there are two essential elements for positive student outcomes. Firstly is the quality provision of professional learning for teachers, and the second involves a curriculum that suits the learning styles of boys and girls, including differentiation. Well trained teachers make a difference for students just as well prepared curriculum and pedagogy also make a difference for outcomes."

"I am a leader that integrates religious dimensions into all aspects of the educational environment, and as Director of Schools I expect that all members of staff actively work to ensure that the mission of the Church is the first and foremost strategic goal for our schools."

"I am eagerly looking forward to taking up the Director of Schools role in 2017, and would like to thank Bishop Bill and the selection panel for giving me this opportunity," Dr Slattery said.

Current Director of Schools, Ray Collins will farewell the role upon conclusion of term 4, 2016, with Dr Slattery to commence from term 1, 2017.



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