Bishop Michael Kennedy installed as Ninth Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle

Bishop Michael Kennedy will today, Friday 17 March, officially take up his role as the Ninth Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle in a Liturgical Reception at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton.

On the Solemnity of St Patrick, over 550 guests, including the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Balvo, Archbishop Anthony Fisher, bishops from around Australia and representatives from every parish in the Diocese, will gather to witness this significant holy event.

The Installation will commence at 6pm when Bishop Kennedy will be greeted on his arrival at Sacred Heart Cathedral by Elders of the Awabakal nation and welcomed to country. 

Following, and at the beginning of the Liturgy, Bishop Kennedy will be greeted at the main doors to Sacred Heart Cathedral by Fr John Lovell, Rector of the Cathedral, and presented with a crucifix to venerate.  As part of the Rite of Installation, Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Charles Balvo, will read the Apostolic Letter of Appointment, and Archbishop Fisher will guide Bishop Michael to the cathedra. 

Once formally seated in the cathedra, Bishop Michael will be installed as the Ninth Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle and welcomed by representatives of the people of the Diocese including parishioners, families and clergy and then, in front of the altar, by representatives of other Churches, faiths and civic authorities. 

“When the nuncio asked if I would accept Pope Francis’ appointment to be the new Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle, I did not hesitate to say ‘yes’,” Bishop Michael said in the March edition of Aurora magazine.  “It is an awesome privilege and responsibility.  I accepted the role willingly and heartily knowing that like all new endeavours, it will hold both joys and challenges,” he said. 

The Bishop’s motto is ‘euntes docete’, referencing Jesus’ final words to the apostles to ‘go forth and teach’.


Bishop Michael Kennedy was the Bishop of Armidale from February 2012 to March 2023, and he replaces Bishop William Wright who died in November 2021.  

Since Bishop Michael Kennedy is already a bishop, he will be installed rather than ordained. 

Apostolic Letter of Appointment or ‘Papal Bull’, this is the official letter of appointment by Pope Francis.   

The ‘cathedra’ is the bishop’s chair and a symbol of the bishop’s office of teaching, sanctifying and governing the Church of Maitland-Newcastle.  It is a physical reminder of the bishop’s role even when he is not present in the Cathedral Church. 

When referencing the Cathedral Church, the word ‘cathedral’ is an adjective used to describe the church building and is directly connected to the presence of the cathedra (bishop’s chair) in the building.  The building is the Cathedral because the chair is there; the chair isn’t there because it is the Cathedral.


The official photographer is Peter Stoop.  Photographs will be made available to the media by contacting Michelle McGranahan, Media & External Relations Manager on 0419 786 872

Live Stream:

The Mass will be live streamed through the Diocesan website,, with a recording available on the website shortly afterwards.


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