Bishop Bill to deliver Christmas message at Kurri Kurri this week

To mark the advent season and in preparation for the Christmas break, Bishop Bill Wright will be delivering his Christmas message to students and parishioners at Holy Spirit Primary School, Kurri Kurri this Wednesday from 12 noon.


Bishop Bill said this is an important time for everyone in the community to come together and celebrate:


“The occasion of Christmas is a holy time for us in the church, as we celebrate Jesus’ birth and reflect on the last year. 2014 has been a confronting year for most of us, with world politics and social justice taking centre stage and many of us questioning our own values as Australian citizens,”


“This year, in particular, I encourage people to think about taking time to celebrate what matters most to them. It’s a time to be thankful for all we have and to consider how we may give back to those who are less fortunate,”


“I am looking forward to speaking with some of our community’s young people at Holy Spirit this week and hearing their thoughts on the festive season and what they are most thankful for,” Bishop Bill said.


The day’s celebrations include performances from Holy Spirit Kurri Kurri students and the school choir before Bishop Bill addresses the students for his Christmas message.



What: Bishop Bill Wright’s Christmas message

When: Wednesday 17th December, from 12 noon

Where: Holy Spirit Primary School, Barton St Kurri Kurri

Who: Bishop Bill Wright, students and staff of Holy Spirit Primary School and local community members


Please confirm your attendance by contacting Communications Manager – Kate Bennett on 0419 263 901.


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