Article: UPDATE: Diocesan statement regarding independent panel

UPDATE: Diocesan statement regarding independent panel Image

UPDATE: Diocesan statement regarding independent panel

  • September 24, 2014

Read a statement from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle regarding the Independent Advisory Panel.

‘Formed in response to the Special Commission of Inquiry, the Independent Advisory Panel is charged with reviewing the findings of the Inquiry and providing recommendations to Bishop Bill Wright in relation to Monsignor Allan Hart and Fr Bill Burston. The panel was announced with seven members, some of whom were named to the general public, and others who had elected to keep their identities confidential. Following the announcement of the panel, one member deemed it appropriate to resign their position. This position has now been filled by a new panel member who has also elected to keep their identity confidential.


Another member of the panel has also chosen to resign from their position, and due to time constraints in the panel formulating their recommendations to Bishop Bill this position will not be replaced. As a result of this, the panel will now consist of six members and due to the changes in members since formation, the final report has been delayed and is now expected to be presented to Bishop Bill later this year. Once considered by Bishop Bill this report will be made public via the Diocese website.’


A statement from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.

