Article: Smoking Ceremony at new CatholicCare building

Smoking Ceremony at new CatholicCare building Image

Smoking Ceremony at new CatholicCare building

  • April 8, 2013

This ancient, traditional Aboriginal smoking ceremony is performed to cleanse, renew and ward off evil spirits.

On Tuesday 2 April, Ray Kelly, an Aboriginal Elder from Wollotuka, under very casual circumstances, conducted the traditional Smoking Ceremony to cleanse and heal our new building in Mayfield. It was a lovely coming together of cultures to have both Ray and Bishop Bill in attendance. The ceremony was at times both moving and fun. 




Following the sharing of songs and storytelling, Ray told us that his work was done and that he felt the presence of good spirits in this place; “good things happen here and good people work here”.


Ray left us with one word, “kotara”. In his language, a kotara is a gift that opens the heart to new possibilities. For an apprentice carpenter, new tools are a kotara; for a family a new child is a kotara and for CatholicCare Social Services and Zimmerman Services, our new building is our kotara. This building provides new possibilities for our clients, our community, our staff and our programs.


Thanks to Bishop Bill, Ray, Jennifer Smith and the many staff from CatholicCare and Zimmerman Services who attended this meaningful ceremony.


Article by Tracey Collins.