Who is Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene was the first to experience the Risen Christ and is the first Christian missionary, ‘the apostle to the apostles’. She exemplified courage, leadership, fidelity and strength.

What is the Magdalene Award?

The Magdalene Award recognises a woman living in, and committed to, the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. This is a public affirmation of a life lived in ways that echo the spirit of Mary Magdalene.

This Award is being relaunched in 2024, after last being presented in 2020, to coincide with the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene.

How can a nomination be made?

Nominations can be received from any member of the diocesan community and must be submitted with the permission of the nominee.

Each nominee will:

  • Be aged 18 years or over.
  • Be an active member of her parish community.
  • Have made a positive contribution within the parish and/or diocese in the area of decision-making and leadership, and/or pastoral ministry.
  • Contribute in an active voluntary role to the diocese either through work/ministry in their parish or via a diocesan community program. 

        Diocesan employees are eligible if they have an active voluntary role in their parishes or the diocesan community. 

Women may be nominated in more than one year.

The nominator is asked to complete the nomination form and address clearly, the criteria supporting the nomination. The nominee must sight and endorse the supporting information.

Nominations have now closed for 2024.

The Award Presentation will take place on Sunday 28 July 2024, following the 9:30am Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. 

For further information please contact Kate - (02) 4979-1329. 


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Helene O'Neill

Chair, Council for Women

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