Stepping Stones: Formation for Ministry with the Dying and the Bereaved

Stepping Stones

The sickness and death of a Christian is a significant event in the life of a parish community. It is for this reason the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle offers Stepping Stones – a process of initial formation, discernment and ongoing support for those ministering with the dying and bereaved in parishes.

The formation runs in response to parish need and requests. An overview of the formation process is available here.

Any parish of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese that has identified a need to form a new Bereavement Team, refresh an existing one, or explore possibilities, can contact Louise Gannon rsj to begin a conversation, E P 0407 966 658.

The Stepping Stones process is facilitated by the Stepping Stones Forum which has been established by the Diocesan Liturgy Council. The Mandate for the Stepping Stones Forum is available here.

The primary resource for parishes accompanying the dying and the bereaved is the Order of Christian Funerals. Other relevant ritual books include Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum and The Book of Blessings. Additional resources are available to communities upon request via the Manager Worship and Prayer. These include prayers and rituals for critical medical situations such as early pregnancy loss, miscarriage, stillbirth, organ donation, withdrawal of life support or medical ventilation.