In the liturgy, particularly the Eucharist, the Church is formed for life and mission in Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the formation of all who participate in the liturgy is of great importance.
In 2016 Bishop Bill Wright asked Fr Andrew Doohan, his Master of Ceremonies, to introduce the ministry of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies to the diocese. Since then, several people have participated in an initial formation journey to discern their call to this ministry. A College of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies has been established comprising the Master of Ceremonies, four Assistant Masters of Ceremonies, and the Manager of Worship and Prayer.
With the growth of this ministry, we are looking to increase the number of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies and seeking Expressions of Interest from members of the Church of Maitland-Newcastle who feel a call to this ministry and have the appropriate gifts and skills. The following documents provide relevant information about this ministry. If you wish to express interest please read the letter (item 4 below) and complete the form (item 5 below). Closing date is Friday 18 March.
When you see any version of the word mystagogy, think mystery, think God, think Christ and feel the longing in your heart to encounter Christ and to be filled with the love and wisdom that flows from this …
Practising Mystagogyoutlines different versions of the basic process of Mystagogical Reflection applying it to reflection on scripture, on liturgy, on experiences of parish life and ministry. It also suggests how to introduce people to the process by beginning with the most fundamental of all mystagogical questions ‘Where have you encountered God this week?’