The Diocesan Liturgy Council serves the diocesan community in promoting the principles and practice of the sacred liturgy. Information about this Council is available below. The ongoing work of the Council is supported by the Pastoral Ministries Worship and Prayer team.
The full, conscious and active participation of the faithful in liturgy,
the source of the true Christian Spirit and all missionary endeavour
[Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (SC) a. 14, 10]
To be of service to the diocesan community by engaging in dialogue that promotes a passion for the spirit of the sacred liturgy and an understanding of its principles and practice such that the celebration of the liturgy is appropriate for the community who gathers. (SC a. 14, 17, 43-45)
Read the latest reports from Diocesan Liturgy Council meetings:
Earlier reports are available upon request to
For further information about the council please read the following documents:
Key reference documents for the Council include:
The council can be contacted by emailing
The council meets on the second Thursday of each month.
The Diocesan Liturgy Council has established a range of groups which assist in in responding to particular issues, and also increases the number of people involved in diocesan liturgical ministry. These groups include:
The Diocesan Liturgy Council shares a close relationship with the College of Assistant Masters of Ceremonies which sits as part of the Bishop's Office.
The brief article The Liturgical Master of the House gives an insight into the ministry of the Master of Ceremonies and his Assistants.
The College operates according to its Statutes and members in accord with their Position Description, Master of Ceremonies and Assistant Master of Ceremonies.
From time to time as the need arises, Expressions of Interest are sought from members of the faithful who feel a call to this ministry. People are then invited to participate in Grace, Simplicity, Order: a discernment and formation process for assistant Masters of ceremonies in the diocese of Maitland-Newcastle.
Liturgy Council Secretary
841 Hunter Street
Newcastle West NSW 2302
PO Box 756
Newcastle West NSW 2300